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Podcast “Un român în Londra” ep 189 – Când ești British?

În episodul 189 al podcastului „Un român în Londra” am vorbit despre redundancy (șomaj) și despre ultimii pași înainte de aplicarea la cetățenia britanică.

Mic anunț:
– podcastul de față este parte a Thinkdigital Podcast Network
– mă găsești pe Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, și pe YouTube

Recomandare carte:
Dune, colecția Gateway, de Frank Herbert

Oameni faini:
RandEEHub – suport pentru muncă
the3million pe Twitter – drepturile europenilor
centrul Filia – drepturile femeilor – protecție anti-sclavie

Actualitatea britanică/londoneză:
atac terorist la Liverpool
elitele londoneze își etalează bogăția la subsol
Tooting Fish Wars
arestat conform legii anti-tero în Londra pentru ca umbla cu tricou Hamas pe el

portretele femeilor ucise în UK

râul Tamisa își revine
Tulip Tower nu a primit acceptul autorităților
ambulanțele așteaptă prea mult la rând la urgențe la NHS
lucrător Asda de la Isle of Dogs (probabil zelos religios) a admonestat o femeie pentru ca era sumar îmbrăcată (fals)

bărcile cu azilanți au mai mare avânt
lovitură destul de mare pentru economia UK
6 ocazii în care Boris Johnson a subminat democratia în UK

Viața în Londra/străinătate
Leadenhall Market face wine tasting de Crăciun (bilete, 19 nov)

Informații practice:
– sfat practic despre șomaj în UK
lucruri legate de aplicarea la cetățenia britanică

– detalii despre redundancy
Redundancy is a form of dismissal from your job. It happens when employers need to reduce their workforce.

If you’re being made redundant, you might be eligible for certain things, including:
•redundancy pay
•a notice period
•a consultation with your employer
•the option to move into a different job
•time off to find a new job

You also have specific rights if your employer is insolvent.

You must be selected for redundancy in a fair way, for example because of your level of experience or capability to do the job.

You cannot be selected because of age, gender, or if you’re disabled or pregnant. If you are, this could be classed as an unfair dismissal.

Your employer should use a fair and objective way of selecting you for redundancy.

Commonly used methods are:

•last in, first out (employees with the shortest length of service are selected first)
•asking for volunteers (self-selection)
•disciplinary records
•staff appraisal markings, skills, qualifications and experience

Your employer can make you redundant without having to follow a selection process if your job no longer exists, for example if:

•your employer is closing down a whole operation in a company and making all the employees working in it redundant
•you’re the only employee in your part of the organisation

– Un checklist simplu pentru aplicarea la cetățenia britanică:

CONDITIONS to apply for citizenship:
– 5 years + 1 year settled status
– 18+
– in UK exactly 5 years before date of application
– prove knowledge of English
– passed Life in UK test
– intend to continue living in UK
– be of good character (no criminal convictions or even fines)
– outside UK, <450 days in last 5 years , <90 days in last year , no immigration law broken ====================================

EMPLOYER addresses las 10 years in UK:
– time
– company
– company details, address, phone, etc
– role (payroll number, NINo, salary, position)


PARENTS (date of birth, place of birth, name)
– mother
– father


RECEIVED settled status on
with reference


APPLY online, after 6 years (5 years settled + 1 year after that), upload docs
book appointment for biometric enrolment (company Sopra Steria)

video citizenship step by step **

video showing progress in online application

more details about referees

video about referees

upload docs

a Hungarian applies for British Citizenship


DOCS needed:
– 2 referee declarations as per requirements (signed in person)
– passport size photo, name + signature on the back of photo, referees declare photo is true
– the passport (the id doc used for Knowledge of Life in the UK test AND for the language test)
– evidence of indefinite leave/settled status (settled status share code online, or PDF received ofrom Home Office)
– evidence of lawful residence during the 5 years before application (nino and letter from employer)
– Life in the UK test passed, ref
– Language test passed level B1, ref
– most recent P60 certificate
– list of addresses lived in past 5 years


– ID card from Romania
– driver’s licence in the UK
– pass with all pages scanned


REFEREES details:
– print and send the docs with image to referees to sign in person
– for 2 referees (2 British, 1 can be other citizenship)

Given names
Date of birth
Address history for previous 3 years
Phone number
Email address
Passport number
How does the referee know the applicant?


ADDRESSES in last 5 years :
– timeframe + address for each address


TRAVEL details in last 6 years:
– timeframe, where (start – end date, if more than 2 days)


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